Our Team


Our Team


PhD, Principal Research Fellow

Dr Milena Čavić

PhD, Assistant Professor

Prof. Dr Ieronymos “Makis” Zoidakis

PhD, Group Leader

Dr Sergi Castellví-Bel

PhD, Principal Investigator and
Associate Group Leader

Dr Remond J A Fijneman

PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Ana Krivokuća

PhD, Principal Research Fellow

Dr Radmila Janković

PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Miljana Tanić

PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Ana Đurić

PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Marija Đorđić Crnogorac

MD, PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Snežana Bjelogrlić

PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Ana Vuletić

MD, PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Katarina Mirjačić Martinović

MD, PhD, Associate Professor

Dr Suzana Stojanović-Rundić,
Prof. Dr

PhD, Associate Staff Scientist

Dr Mariska Bierkens

PhD, senior postdoctoral fellow

Dr Meike de Wit


Dr Leticia Moreira

PhD, Staff Research Scientist

Dr Antonia Vlahou

PhD, Research Associate

Dr Ana Damjanović Veličković

MD, PhD, Research Associate

Dr Jelena Spasić

PhD Student / Research Assistant

Aleksandra Stanojević MSc

Master's Degree

Teresa Ocaña

PhD Student / Research Assistant

Katarina Živić MSc

PhD Student / Research Assistant

Kristina Živić MSc

MD, PhD Student

Aleksandra Drinić

PhD student / Junior Research Assistant

Valentina Karadzic

PhD student / Junior Research Assistant

Jelena Kijac, MSc

PhD student / Junior Research Assistant

Vanja Stevanović, MSc

PhD, Grants Manager

Dr Christos Ilioudis

PhD, Principal Research Fellow

Dr Marko Radulović

PhD, Research Scientist

Dr Nikolaos Paschalidis

PhD, Senior Research Scientist

Dr Manousos Makridakis

MD, PhD / Research Assistant / Clinical Assistant

Mladen Marinković

PhD Student

Xavier Dominguez-Rovira

PhD Student / Junior Research Assistant

Miodrag Vuković MSc

MD, PhD Student

Feđa Đorđević

MD, PhD Student

Luka Pejnović


Dr Milan Kocić

PhD, Principal Research Fellow

Dr Milena Čavić

“Milena Čavić holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Belgrade, Serbia and is currently employed at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. She gained international scientific experience at the University of Barcelona, Spain, and at the Research Center Borstel, Germany. Her current research focus involves investigating molecular mechanisms of response and resistance to chemo-, radio-, targeted and immunological anticancer therapies, as well as the advancement and implementation of cancer early detection and screening programs. Dr Čavić serves as the Co-chair of the Diagnostics Working group of the Screening & Early Detection Committee of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC). Since 2021, she has been nominated as the President of the EACR-affiliated Serbian Society for Cancer Research (SDIR). Dr Čavić is a coordinator of one Horizon Europe Twinning project (STEPUPIORS) and was a participant in one Horizon 2020 MSCA-RISE (LungCARD) and one PROMIS project (TRACEPIGEN) of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. She has served as an expert evaluator of proposals in Horizon (Life sciences panel) and European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) programs. She is passionately involved in the education of young scientists as a lecturer and mentor at the University of Belgrade, Serbia and University of Barcelona, Spain.”

PhD, Assistant Professor

Prof. Dr Ieronymos “Makis” Zoidakis

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry at the Biology Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and Associated Faculty at the Proteomics Facility of the Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens (BRFAA)

Prof. Zoidakis was born in Belgium and grew up in Athens, Greece. He studied Biochemistry at the University of Liege in Belgium and then moved to UCLA where he obtained his PhD on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He worked at the BRFAA Proteomics Facility as a senior research scientist and has expertise in proteomics and enzymology. He has extensive experience in the implementation of EU research projects and has designed training activities related to omics data generation and integration.

PhD, Group Leader

Dr Sergi Castellví-Bel

Dr. Sergi Castellví-Bel is the Group Leader of the “Genetic predisposition to Gastrointestinal Cancer” Group at IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain; https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/en/idibaps/research-areas/liver-digestive-system-and-metabolism/genetic-predisposition-to-gastrointestinal-cancer). During over 30 years, he has worked on human monogenic/hereditary conditions and more recently on complex human diseases such as colorectal cancer, gastric cancer and pancreatic cancer. He was the Chair of COST Actions BM1206 and CA17118 (2013-2022) and recognized as Group Leader at his institution (2015). In addition, the research activities of Dr. Castellví-Bel have resulted in >200 articles in highly ranked international journals and has attracted a high number of citations (presently 7.933), with an H-index of 49.

PhD, Principal Investigator and
Associate Group Leader

Dr Remond J A Fijneman

Dr. Remond J A Fijneman is Principal Investigator and Associate Group Leader of the Translational Gastrointestinal Oncology group at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Research is focused on identification, validation and implementation of diagnostic, prognostic, predictive and disease monitoring biomarkers for colorectal cancer. Main topics of research concern: 1. the impact of DNA Structural Variants on disease pathogenesis, using tumor tissue and tissue-derived organoids. 2. analyses of cell-free circulating tumor DNA as prognostic, predictive, and disease monitoring biomarkers, using clinically well-defined patient cohorts.

PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Ana Krivokuća

Ana Krivokuća is a molecular biologist with a PhD in Genetics from the University of Belgrade and an MSc in Bioethics from Clarkson University, US. She has more than 10 years of experience in cancer research, clinical laboratory genetics and bioethics. As a Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia she has been investigating the genetic basis of hereditary breast and ovarian cancers in Serbia and has participated in forming the Genetic counseling center at the Institute. She initiated the incorporation of Next generation sequencing technology into routine clinical use for hereditary cancers in Serbia. She is skilled to conduct the informed consent process and to recruit patients/participants for research projects.

PhD, Principal Research Fellow

Dr Radmila Janković

Radmila Jankovic, holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of Belgrade, Serbia and is currently employed at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia (IORS) as a Scientific Director with the degree of Principal Research Fellow. Dr Jankovic gained her international experience at the Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown Medical Center, Georgetown University, Washington DC. Her primary scientific focus is molecular oncology of solid tumors and discovering new potential prognostic and predictive biomarkers. She is a lecturer in a teaching module of Oncology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia. She is the Head of IORS Scientific Committee and a liaison officer representing IORS at the European Commission.

PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Miljana Tanić

Miljana Tanić is a molecular biologist with a PhD in human cancer genetics from the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain. She gained international scientific experience at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Columbia University, Aarhus Hospital and the UCL Cancer Institute where she performed her post doc studies. Dr Tanić’s research investigates the molecular mechanisms of resistance to therapy and evolution of epigenetic landscape in various cancer types. She has experience in developing new methods for high-throughput miRNA screening and targeted bisulfite sequencing of circulating tumor DNA. Currently, her focus is to develop and apply new epigenetic biomarkers for tracking systemic therapy resistance through the application of high-throughput genomics, genetic epidemiology, and bioinformatics methods, complemented by functional studies.

PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Ana Đurić

Ana Đurić holds a Ph.D. in Medicine-Pharmacy and a Specialization in Pharmacy from the University of Belgrade, Serbia and is currently employed at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. Her research focuses on the anticancer effects of natural products, newly synthesized chemicals and old drugs in in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro models, with particular reference to red-ox homeostasis. She has experience in teaching, training and mentoring students. Ana is a winner of the award for best doctoral dissertations given by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce for the academic year 2017/2018.

PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Marija Đorđić Crnogorac

Marija Đorđić Crnogorac holds a PhD in Molecular Biology. She has more than 10 years of experience in cancer research at the Department for Experimental Oncology, Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. She has experience in working with human samples as well as cancer cell lines. Her in vitro research was based on testing the anticancer potential of various plant and animal products as well as newly synthesized chemical compounds. Recently, she devoted her work to the Department of Genetic Counseling for Hereditary Cancers. In addition to the Next generation sequencing technology, sample collection, data analysis and research into the genetic basis of hereditary cancer syndromes, she is also involved in communication with high-risk individuals and cancer patients.

MD, PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Snežana Bjelogrlić

Snežana Bjelogrlić gained her MD degree at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia, where she further defended her PhD thesis. She is currently working as a Senior Research Associate in the Laboratory for Experimental Pharmacology at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. As a visiting scientist, she worked at the Faculty of Medicine University of Malta, Msida, Malta (2014), Platform eBioCyt, Strasbourg, France (2014 and 2015), and Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Strasbourg, France (2018). She is an author of over 50 original publications including papers published in high-impact journals and conference presentations.

PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Ana Vuletić

Ana Vuletić is a molecular biologist with a PhD from the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia. She is currently employed at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. Her research experience includes studies in cancer cell biology and tumor immunology. Her early research interest was focused on the effect of 13-cis-retinoic acid on malignant cell proliferation and differentiation which was further expanded on in vitro immunological studies and translational immunological research. The focus of her current research in tumor immunology are NK cells and their functional and immunophenotypic characteristics and the immunomodulatory effect of cytokines in patients with malignancies. She authored more than 25 scientific publications.

MD, PhD, Senior Research Associate

Dr Katarina Mirjačić Martinović

Katarina Mirjačić Martinović is an MD immunology specialist with a subspecialty in transplantology with transfusiology. She holds a PhD degree in Immunology from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade and is a Senior Research Associate. She is the Head of Laboratory of Immunology at the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. She is engaged in flow cytometry diagnostics of patients with hematological malignancies. Her current research involves the investigations of blood and tissue immunity in cancer patients before and during immune or targeted therapies. She is an author of more than 25 scientific publications.

MD, PhD, Associate Professor

Dr Suzana Stojanović-Rundić,
Prof. Dr

Suzana Stojanović-Rundić, Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncologist with sub-specialization in Oncology is employed at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade and at the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. She holds a PhD from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade and from 2018 she has the title of a Senior Research Associate. She is currently at the position of Head of the Outpatients Radiotherapy Hospital. She has been a national representative at the International Atomic Energy Agency and has successfully cooperated with them within the framework of national and regional projects as a project leader or coordinator. Dr Stojanović-Rundić deals with patient treatment and research of gastrointestinal and urogenital tumors.

PhD, Associate Staff Scientist

Dr Mariska Bierkens

Dr. ir. Mariska Bierkens is an Associate Staff Scientist and a coordinating data steward within the Translational Gastrointestinal Oncology group at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She has a background in translational research and is involved in the Dutch Health Research Infrastructure (Health-RI) initiative, which aims to facilitate researchers in performing research in both a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable & Reusable) and an ELSI (Ethical, Legal & Social Implications) compliant manner. Currently she is involved in multiple local and (inter)national efforts related to project data management, with a strong focus on using existing solutions.

PhD, senior postdoctoral fellow

Dr Meike de Wit

Dr. Meike de Wit is a senior postdoctoral fellow and project manager at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam with a strong academic track record in translational colorectal cancer research. As a project manager she is involved in the administrative support for ~40 ongoing projects, including several large consortium grants. Most of her research time is devoted to the validation of protein biomarkers for early detection of CRC in stool. This work is based on the identification of protein biomarkers in stool samples that have added value to hemoglobin for the early detection of advanced adenomas and CRC. These markers are now combined in a the multitarget FIT test. She is also a co-founder and COO of the spin-off company CRCbioscreen which aims to further the clinical implementation and commercialization of the multitarget FIT test.


Dr Leticia Moreira

Dr. Leticia Moreira has been working as Gastroenterologist at of the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona since 2009. She completed her PhD about Lynch syndrome, other hereditary forms of colorectal cancer and methylation in 2011 and pursued a postdoctoral stay at the University of Philadelphia, USA (2015-2017) with a focus on cell and molecular biology, gene editing and organoid modeling. She was awarded with the Ramon Margalef prize of the University of Barcelona to best article arising from a PhD thesis (2015). She has an interest in gastrointestinal oncology and previous experience in coordination of multicentric studies in Spain such as EPICOLON for colorectal cancer and now EPIGASTRIC for stomach cancer.

PhD, Staff Research Scientist

Dr Antonia Vlahou

Dr. Vlahou received her BSc degree from the School of Biology, University of Athens, Greece and her PhD from the Department of Cell Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas. Dr. Vlahou pursued post-doctoral studies at the Eastern VA Medical School, VA, where she was appointed as a Research Assistant Professor until 2003 when she moved to the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA). Between 2013-2015 she also worked as Associated Professor-Reader in Proteomics, University of Plymouth, UK and since 2020 she is also Adjunct Professor in Systems Biology of Cancer, European University, Cyprus. Dr. Vlahou has been the Coordinator of the European COST Action on Kidney and Urine Proteomics (EuroKUP) (2008 -2012) as well as the Coordinator of the Marie Curie ITN program “Clinical and system –omics for the identification of the Molecular DEterminants of established Chronic Kidney Disease” (iMODE-CKD) και EU FP7 “Translation of novel Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer for clinical outcome prediction” (TransBioBC) projects. She has served (2010-2020) as external expert for biomarker qualification at the European Medicines Agency (EMA, UK) and also as group leader in various EU or national funded projects. Since 2014 she has been Board Member of the European Society of Urological Research (ESUR) -European Association of Urology (EAU).

PhD, Research Associate

Dr Ana Damjanović Veličković

Ana Damjanović Veličković received her PhD degree from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, and is currently employed at the Laboratory for Molecular Genetics, Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. She previously worked as a cancer researcher at the Laboratory for Biological Response Modifiers, Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. Her research focuses on cancer cell biology, apoptosis, resistance to cancer treatment, and the anticancer potential of novel synthetic and natural chemicals. She participates in diagnostic genetic testing for various solid cancers. Dr Damjanović Veličković is involved in mentoring students and young scientists from the University of Belgrade, Serbia.

MD, PhD, Research Associate

Dr Jelena Spasić

Jelena Spasić is a medical oncologist at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, with a focus on lung and gastrointestinal cancers. Dr Spasic is an internal medicine specialist with a subspecialty in oncology. She holds a PhD from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Her everyday clinical practice involves administration of chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy, applying supportive, palliative, and end-of-life care, and dealing with treatment toxicities. A particular skill set includes communication with cancer patients and caregivers, discussing diagnosis and prognosis and treatment plans. She has participated in numerous clinical trials as principal investigator, sub-investigator and study coordinator and is certified for acquiring patient informed consent. Since 2023, she has served as the National representative of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and a Committee member of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC).

PhD Student / Research Assistant

Aleksandra Stanojević MSc

Aleksandra Stanojević, MSc is a PhD candidate at the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia. She is employed as a Junior research assistant at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. Aleksandra’s work is curently focused on profiling the response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal carcinoma using methods for gene expression, proteomic and bioinfomatic analysis. Ahe is also involved in companion diagnostic testing for cancer patients as the detection of EGFR, BRAF and RAS mutations in lung and colorectal cancer and melanoma.

Master's Degree

Teresa Ocaña

Mrs Teresa Ocaña has been an advanced practice nurse in the context of the Colorectal Cancer High Risk Clinic (CAR-CCR) of the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, providing genetic counseling to patients and families predisposed to digestive cancer for more than 15 years. For this, she trained at a clinical level, taking different courses on Genetic Counseling in Hereditary Cancer as well as a Master’s Degree in Clinical Research from the University of Barcelona. In relation to research activity, she has participated in various national and international projects, some of them as study coordinator in relation to the identification of new genes in the predisposition to digestive cancer.

PhD Student / Research Assistant

Katarina Živić MSc

Kristina Živić is a Biochemistry PhD student at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia. She has been employed at the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia at the Department of Experimental Oncology since 2021, where she is working on her doctoral thesis. In her previous work, she has worked on the optimization of methods for the purification of recombinant nanoantibodies. During her doctoral research she is focused on investigating the effects of imidazoline agonists on pancreatic tumor cells and exploring the biological function of the Imidazoline-1 receptor – nischarin.

PhD Student / Research Assistant

Kristina Živić MSc

Katarina Živić is a Biochemistry PhD student at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia. She is employed at the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia at the Department of Experimental Oncology, where she is working on her doctoral thesis. She has experience in the optimization of methods for the purification of recombinant nanoantibody constructs and their biochemical characterization. The main focus of her research are epigenetic markers in ovarian cancer treatment. She is also involved in companion diagnostic testing using Next generation sequencing and detection of somatic mutations in patients with ovarian, lung and colorectal cancer and melanoma.

MD, PhD Student

Aleksandra Drinić

Aleksandra Drinić, MD, is a PhD candidate currently attending the molecular medicine module at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia. She is employed as a Radiation oncology resident at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. Aleksandra’s everyday work is focused on patients with locally advanced rectal carcinoma as a part of multidisciplinary team. She is a coauthor of two articles published in international journals.

PhD student / Junior Research Assistant

Valentina Karadzic

Valentina Karadzic holds a Master’s degree from the Faculty of Biology at the University of Belgrade. She currently works as a molecular biologist at the Laboratory for Molecular Genetics at the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, where she is engaged in the Genetic Counseling department and involved in laboratory diagnostics for hereditary predispositions to cancer using next-generation sequencing technology. She is also involved in the molecular diagnostics of mutations in EGFR, RAS, and BRAF genes, with the aim of determining biological therapies for patients with lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and melanoma.

PhD student / Junior Research Assistant

Jelena Kijac, MSc

Jelena Kijac is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia. She is employed as a Junior Research Assistant at the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, where she is working on her doctoral thesis. Jelena’s work is focused on the examination of new risk factors, prognosis and anticancer therapy response prediction in rectal cancer from liquid biopsy.

PhD student / Junior Research Assistant

Vanja Stevanović, MSc

Vanja Stevanović is a PhD student at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia. She completed her Master’s thesis at the Department of Experimental Oncology, Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. During her work, she examined the associations of polymorphic variants and the occurrence of acute radiation therapy toxicity in cancer patients. Currently, she is doing her PhD at the Laboratory for Molecular Oncology at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, with a focus on colorectal cancer.

PhD, Grants Manager

Dr Christos Ilioudis

Dr. Ilioudis studied Chemistry (BSc) at the University of Cyprus. He then moved to King’s College London for a MSc in Chemical Research followed by a PhD in the binding properties of new Polyaza-Macrocycles and Macrobicycles towards inorganic anions. Dr. Ilioudis has extensive experience in the field of Management, Communication and Dissemination of Research Programmes. He has been involved over the past 11 years in the administrative management, communication and dissemination activities of one FP7 research programme (RiskyCad) and three Horizon 2020 framework research programmes (CURE asthma, Leaf2D, Sensitive).

PhD, Principal Research Fellow

Dr Marko Radulović

Marko Radulović received his PhD degree from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. He worked in cancer research at the Immunology Research Centre in Belgrade, Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine in Göttingen, Germany, University College London and Imperial College London. He is currently a Research Professor at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology in Belgrade, Serbia. Dr Radulović’s research focuses on the investigation of molecular and morphological prognostic and predictive markers in cancer. He has published over 70 scientific articles.

PhD, Research Scientist

Dr Nikolaos Paschalidis

Dr. Paschalidis is a Research Scientist and the Head of the Cy-TOF Facility at BRFAA. Dr. Paschalidis studied Biochemistry (BSc) at the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, and Immunology (MSc) at Imperial College in London, UK. He received his PhD degree from the William Harvey Institute of Queen Mary University, London, UK. His main research interests focus on the mechanisms by which immune responses in autoimmunity, allergies and cancer are regulated. He leads the Cy-TOF Facility and is involved in numerous research projects using this state-of-the-art approach.

PhD, Senior Research Scientist

Dr Manousos Makridakis

Dr. Makridakis studied Biology at the University of Patras and then moved to the Proteomics Facility of BRFAA where he performed research leading to a MSc and PhD degrees from NKUA. Dr. Makridakis is an expert in sample preparation for proteomics analysis and has developed standard protocols published in international journals. He has extensive experience in implementing collaborative projects and was the PI of the MolProt-CKD research grant. He has mentored numerous MSc, PhD students and junior post-doctoral fellows.

MD, PhD / Research Assistant / Clinical Assistant

Mladen Marinković

Mladen Marinković, MD, is a radiation oncologist specialist and a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia. He is employed at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia and is a Research Assistant. The focus of Dr Marinković’s research is on profiling the response to neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal carcinoma using new radiotherapy approaches. The emphasis of his work is the on examination of initial clinical and molecular parameters leading to an individualizes approach in the treatment of cancer patients, with additional interest in application of artificial intelligence in prediction of disease recurrence. As a clinician he is engaged in planning the treatment of genitourinary and gastrointestinal cancer patients, as well as active surveillance of patients after treatment completion.

PhD Student

Xavier Dominguez-Rovira

Xavier Dominguez-Rovira (Barcelona, 1999) graduated in 2021 with a Biotechnology degree from the University of Barcelona. Knowing that after finishing with university studies he wanted to focus his career towards human health research, he took in 2022 a master in Translational Medicine, during the course of which he collaborated with the Genetic predisposition to Gastrointestinal Cancer group at IDIBAPS to develop his master thesis. Now an integrated member of the team, he is working on carrying out his PhD thesis with them.

PhD Student / Junior Research Assistant

Miodrag Vuković MSc

Miodrag Vuković received his MSc degree and enrolled in PhD studies at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia. He is currently employed at the Laboratory for Molecular Genetics, Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, as a Junior Research Assistant. He is involved in diagnostic genetic testing for different types of solid tumors. His research includes cancer cell biology and molecular profiling of solid tumors from liquid biopsy for determining risk factors, disease prognosis and response to anticancer therapeutics.

MD, PhD Student

Feđa Đorđević

Dr Feđa Đorđević has been working at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia in Belgrade, at the Clinic for Medical Oncology since April 2011. He finished his specialization in Medical oncology in January 2021. Apart from the clinical training, he began his research training by enrolling in a PhD program in Tumor biology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade. He is particularly interested in the management of lung cancer, GI malignancies and integration of supportive and palliative care into everyday oncology practice. He is attracted by innovation and new anticancer treatments, and feels the progress in oncology should also be judged by the way we are able to support the most vulnerable people — those with high symptom burden, severe treatment-related toxicities, or incurable disease. During the past 10 years, he has attended several training courses in oncology, mostly as a grant recipient from ESMO, ESO, ASCO, CECOG, and other organizations, which led him to believe that we have finally shifted focus from disease to patient-directed topics, and the patients’ right to have the best possible quality of life. He currently serves as the Secretary of the National European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)-affiliated Serbian Society for Medical Oncology (UMOS).

MD, PhD Student

Luka Pejnović

Dr Luka Pejnović is a general surgeon at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia and a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade. He obtained the specialization degree in general surgery. His main scope of clinic surgical work are carcinomas of the digestive system, sarcomas and breast cancer. The focus of his PhD thesis is on profiling new risk, prognostic and predictive biomarkers of cancers of the digestive system, with special interest in exploring the effect of viral infections on disease genesis, evolution and response to treatment.


Dr Milan Kocić

Dr Milan Kocić has been working at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia since 2008. He is a general surgeon with a PhD in peritoneal surface malignancies and a subspecialty in oncology. He is mainly involved in the fields of colorectal, hepatic, peritoneal surface malignancies, thyroid and breast cancer surgery. As a national representative in EYSAC-ESSO, he is dedicated to expanding the collaborative global network of young surgeons, with an emphasis on the advancement of Serbian surgeons. He is a member of leading European and international surgical oncological societies.