Aleksandra Stanojevic, MSc, participated in the annual Management Committee Meeting of the COST action CA21154 – Translational control in Cancer European Network – TRANSLACORE held in Prague, Czech Republic at Milan Hašek Conference Hall.

During the first day of meeting participants delivered presentations about translational control in cancer research. The second day of the meeting was dedicated to Working Group meeting and Management Committee Meeting. Aleksandra gave a 15min presentation “Acquisition Mass Spectrometry Analysis of FFPE Rectal Cancer Samples Offers In-Depth Proteomics Characterization of the Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy”.

The meeting aimed at integrating disciplines and knowledge across Europe to promote translational control in cancer, produced exciting debates and new collaborations. Following the meeting, a number of prospects for collaboration with other participants in this Action appeared, including scheduled meetings to discuss grant and project an opportunity in the future.